Blog of retrhelo Peace within.

Set up your own Git server with SSH service

This article introduces how to set up a Git server at your own remote machine. Git repository can be easily set up at local machine, referred to by its path. The approach applied almostly the same when it comes to a remote server, requiring only the SSH service as the extra stuff.

Setting NAT with iptables


Network Address Translation (NAT) is a common use case in network configuration. It allows the network manager to translate network address from one into the other, effectively hiding the original IP address.

Better subroutine caller tracking with Perl

In this article, I note down a very useful approach in Perl, to better track and locate the caller of certain subroutine.

Develop a Perl module: Create and Test

Perl module is a common approach for providing custom sets of functions. But how exactly a module is created, developed, and maintained? In this article, I write down my experience of developing a tiny module named Camellia::Glue.

Use local modules in Perl5

In this article, I explain how to write Perl scripts with multiple files.

Set up WeChat on Linux with Docker

WeChat is a popular IM (Instant Message) software in China, and is widely used in business situations. However, Tecent, the corporation behind WeChat, serves to provide no support for this popular app in Linux environment.

It's Time for OS to Rediscover Hardware

This is a casual notes from the a lecture given by Timothy Roscoe, from ETH Zurich. The recording video of the lecture can be found here.

SSH to container on remote server

Containerization is a concept of importance in today’s network service. And Docker is one of the most successful container management tools. This article notes down how I deploy a container on remote, and access it via SSH.

Status message in M5

There’s a very interesting part of the gem5 Coding Style document, talking about different message status from M5. I consider them very useful for further work.

One step into gem5

“The gem5 simulator is a modular platform for computer-system architecture research, encompassing system-level architecture as well as processor microarchitecture. gem5 is a community led.”