WeChat is a popular IM (Instant Message) software in China, and is widely used in business situations. However, Tecent, the corporation behind WeChat, serves to provide no support for this popular app in Linux environment.

In this article, I introduce how I set up my WeChat environment on my Fedora 36, with the help of docker and wine.

Docker setup

How I set docker environment up on my machine is not part of the article. Related contents can be easily found on the Internet, thus not mentions here.

Find the docker image

There’s already existing docker image that serves to provide WeChat on docker. It’s DoChat provided by Huan. The author provides an easy script for the whole installation, which I browsed and then wrote this article.

The docker image to use is zixia/wechat. To pull it down from remote, use

docker pull zixia/wechat:latest

It took a while to get everything ready, depending on the network.

Create docker container

Container is the instance of certain image. To create a container, use docker run. Here, to create my docker image, I use

docker run \
    -i \
    --name wechat \
    -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
    -v "$HOME/Downloads/wechat":'/home/user/WeChat Files' \
    -e DISPLAY \
    -e DOCHAT_DPI \
    -e XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus \
    -e GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus \
    -e QT_IM_MODULE=ibus \
    --ipc=host \
    --privileged \

There are lots of details to be told in the above command. Here I introduce how we create a file-sharing fold to transfer files between the host and the container.

Set up a sharing folder

You may notice that I use the argument -v frequently – This flag is the key to create a sharing folder. In the official document, -v is used to bind mount a volume, which preserves a folder to be shared between the host and container.

By using this, I set the container to share /home/user/WeChat Files folder with the host, where WeChat stores the files received.

Enable input method

Some environments should be set when creating the container, for the input method to work properly. They’re XMODIFIERS, GTK_IM_MODULE and QT_IM_MODULE. Without setting them, the method won’t work when typing into the container.

Run the container

After setting up, start the container with docker start wechat. It would trigger the following window to appear.

If it’s the first log in, then a QR code would be displayed. Use your mobile WeChat app to scan the code, just like the windows version of WeChat.

After the login, WeChat is ready for use! But be noticed that this isn’t always stable, and crashes sometimes. Use docker to restart when it crashes.